Friday, March 25, 2011

How Many Times Fsx Installations

HERESY FOR MARCH 25 by sealing

Herejía para el 25 de marzo del lacra Cortes

By Emilio Nazar Kasbo

cartoonist José Luis Salinas Cortes lives spreading heresies as "bullets" or "cartoons", which should be immediately excommunicated for blasphemy, since it focuses exclusively on a particular way violate the first three Commandments that God gave to Moses and the which also seems to not believe. Both

well I could do this comic if it were in the service of Jesus Christ! But no: in the service of heresy, heresy how much can be invented.

The author of the cartoon works Ediciones SM, occupying Corporate Publications Editorial Department for Children and Youth. Certainly receive a lot of money in exchange for their blasphemies "theology." Apparently, the person responsible for this is the Archbishop or Cardinal of the diocese of Madrid ... Does it have something to say about it?

This time, it strikes with the virginal conception of Jesus Christ. This is called modernism: the rationalistic view of faith, coupled with the denial of miracles to finish forming a church but devoid of God, which is an institution of mere symbols whose meaning is to do charitable acts of philanthropy.

view the Archangel Gabriel that is presented to the Virgin Mary, it does not respond "I do not know man", or says' I am the servant the Lord done unto me according to Thy Word. " Not so. The Virgin Mary replies: "But if, by definition, Yahweh is male or female is not all that sounds like mythical gods who are impregnating virgins? Should not we check some Mariology?

And the Archangel Gabriel, to the words of the Virgin thinks: "Well, the Angelology anda!"

is, the artist supposedly Catholic, who is clearly out of the Magisterium, the creed of the Catholic Faith, and therefore it is not Catholic, puts in question the following questions with statements that have implications:

- Yahweh is neither male nor female: Indeed, God is pure Spirit itself, an absolutely simple. However, the Second Person of the Trinity, in its internal processions in his life Ad-Intra, is male, as portrayed. It is a mystery to which philosophy can not explain, because it implies a rationalism applied to spiritual matters, applied to the Supernatural. But the statement of the artist tends to something else: a homosexual or justify an idea "plurisexual" from a God who "is neither male nor female," when Jesus clearly calls God Father, and when the prayer he taught his disciples is precisely "Our Father." The artist endorses and promotes homosexuality, abortion and socialism, attacking it against the Social Doctrine of the Church, against the Magisterium and against the same text of the Bible.

- sounds like a mythical If the author sounds a mythical picture virginal conception of the Word of God, it is not reported or because it has Fe myth is a story invented to give an explanation for something. Of course, for a person who denies that God, Creator of the Universe, can work miracles, it is not surprising that faith is a "myth" to ease consciences, and not the truth that is revealed from the same eternity of God. Apparently, the unknown author of the drawing Mystery and the difference between "myth." The only religion that recognizes the mystery is the Catholic religion, it is true. All other religions fail than to explain the existence of an Aristotelian God at best, incomprehensible and inexplicable in its infinity, but never in consideration of the mystery which has also been revealed by God born as man.

- gods who are impregnating virgins By "gods", speaks in the plural. This statement is alien to Catholicism. If you speak of myth before, because it refers to the pagan area, if he speaks of "gods" now is because it refers to area pagan. Now, what has this to do with Catholicism? Nothing. It is simply a blasphemy against the Annunciation of the birth of the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. A "myth" is not foretold, is not anticipated by a prophecy, but that is after the fact you want to explain. The Holy Trinity are not three gods but One God is Three Simple and People, in a mystery that rationalism and modernism can not solve.

- Mariology Review: What you need to review the Mariology? For what we just said, namely:

1 - requires the recognition that God is not male or female (Hermaphrodite least, we should clarify the cartoonist, apparently), that therefore God can not incarnate because being spiritual can not join a woman, but have created the universe, even if the government of the world, yet having the ability to alter the workings of nature through direct intervention Milagros

2 - requires that the virginal conception of Jesus is regarded as a myth (ie, as a story)

3 - requires consideration of the material element of fertilization by "gods" with "virgins" (plural).

Catholicism And where is all this? What Tradition? Ah, no, that is something "old", before the Second Vatican Council. The Council supports, promotes and talks on "new ways of evangelization" through which the profane can travel safely with no one to report the heinous sin which is committed to scandalize the faithful who is Catholic, but to the applause and approval of the pagans, heretics, schismatics, apostates and anti-Catholic.

- Review Angelology: course, if God can not incarnate because it is pure spirit, what will make an angel, that is pure spirit? "San Miguel Arcangel, San Gabriel and San Rafael? No, that's something as old as the existence of Satan in the modern world, the devil does not exist, was "repealed" by Vatican II. Jesus in the desert faced a metaphorical symbol, not the more perverted the spiritual order. Review angelology to criticize Aquinas without reading even without knowing the arguments on which shows and describes the existence of angels and their performance. "Exorcisms? Those things are for horror movies ...

How far can a person's heresy is said flatly Catholic and preaches against the Faith? How far does tolerance? How far the patience and Charity? Arrivals to these extremes, are neither patience nor Charity is a militant anti-Catholicism of the bishops who tolerate it, because NO LES IMPORTA LA FE, do not care about Jesus, but just enjoy a good time in this world. Bishops who are silent, do not fear God for his direct responsibility to similar anti-Catholic blasphemy while not scandalize the faithful, not as offensive to the whole Church, but as seeking to harm and kill again Jesus Christ himself.

Apostle Judas Is your model, Mr. Bishop? The silence of the bishops with such situations are similar to the attitude of Judas, that coming over and giving a kiss to Jesus Christ as a sign of friendship with him gave the signal for delivery to the enemies who crucified. For Judas, lest we forget, was also an Apostle ...


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